Individual therapy is a time where you can get away from the demands of daily life and focus on yourself. It is a time to discover who you were meant to be and identify obstacles that are holding you back. Many benefits to individual therapy are personal growth and reflection, decreased stress, finding life meaning, and learning to give and receive love.
Couples counseling helps both couple and and individuals to know themselves better and increase the potential for marital satisfaction and longevity. Often, without realizing it, husbands and wives bring their unhealed wounds from the past and unhealed expectations into their marriage. When we learn to heal from our triggers, this creates a clear path to understanding and developing compassion for one another, which deepens relationship intimacy.
Spiritual Direction is a way to listen to the deeper questions that arise on the inside. It has less to do with religion and far more to do with finding the truth that will set you free and experience the presence of God. I am here to journey with as you venture into these sacred spaces and explore life's meaning.
While I am a Christian I am not insistent on forcing my beliefs on you. This is your spiritual quest and you must venture on it. However, I will draw from my experiences and relationship with God to offer you hope, insight, and truth. If you are a Christian I will help you learn to use your faith as a blueprint in your search.
Karlich Counseling, LLC.
I offer Telehealth for TExas, IDAHO, UTAH, AND Montana residents. I do not offer in person sessions at this time